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A business guide for Young Farmers
from NFYFC and Savills


Applying for finance

Any lender will probably want to see your business plan and financial projections. By preparing to borrow finance, regardless of the source, a useful acronym to remember what the lender will be considering is CAMPARI.

  • Character – Are you of good character, would you lend money to yourself?
  • Ability – Do you have the capability to run and mange the proposed business?
  • Margin – What is the interest rate?
  • Purpose – What is the finance being used for?
  • Amount – How much will be required. Is this figure realistic?
  • Repayment – When will repayment be made?
  • Insurance – How will the funds be recovered if you don’t make the payments?

A lender is generally looking to generate a return from the provided finance. Finance should be viewed as a commodity and, as with all commodities, it is important to negotiate the best terms and price possible for this commodity.